Is Getting a Dental Implant Considered Major Surgery?

For anyone considering a dental implant, the thought of getting oral surgery in New Smyrna Beach can be intimidating. However, while the procedure involves placing a titanium post into the jawbone, it’s not as invasive or daunting as it may sound. Dental implant procedures are often straightforward and performed with your comfort in mind. 

surgeon during oral surgery new smyrna beach

Understanding the Procedure 

The process typically involves numbing the area with local anesthesia to ensure a pain-free experience. A small incision is made in the gum to access the jawbone, where your oral surgeon places the titanium post. This post serves as a sturdy foundation for the final crown, which restores the look and function of a natural tooth. 

Is It Major Surgery? 

While dental implants involve surgical precision, the procedure is generally considered minimally invasive. It’s performed in an outpatient setting, and most patients can resume regular activities shortly after. 

Factors That Impact Complexity 

The extent of the procedure depends on your specific needs. For example: 

  • If you have adequate bone density, the implant placement is usually simple and straightforward. 
  • If bone grafting or sinus lifts are required, the process becomes slightly more complex. 

In either case, your dentist or oral surgeon will guide you through the steps, ensuring your comfort and safety. 

Recovery and Aftercare 

Mild discomfort and swelling are common but temporary, and these can be managed with over-the-counter pain relief and following aftercare instructions. By prioritizing rest and sticking to a soft diet, healing is typically smooth and uneventful. 

dentist and patient before oral surgery new smyrna beach

Trust Atlantic Family Dentistry for Oral Surgery in New Smyrna Beach 

At Atlantic Family Dentistry, we focus on making your oral surgery experience as seamless and comfortable as possible. Whether you’re exploring dental implants or any other dental treatment, our team is here to help. Schedule a consultation today and restore your smile with confidence! 

Call Us To Schedule Appointment: (386) 219-4023

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