
Here at Atlantic Family Dentistry, we understand that dental emergencies can be stressful and even cause panic, but know that our team is here to treat you as soon as we can. If you are going through a dental emergency, simply call our office as soon as possible and we will do everything we can to squeeze you into our schedule and have you seen by a dentist. If your cuts are very deep and bleeding will not stop, then a hospital might be best.

Dental emergencies are most often caused by sports and other rough play, resulting in knocked out teeth and cuts in the mouth. We are equipped to handle these incidents in a comfortable and productive environment.

What is a Dental Emergency?

  • Broken Tooth

  • Cuts

  • Knocked-Out Teeth

  • Cracked Teeth

  • Chipped Tooth

  • Jaw Pain

Do You Need Help with a Dental Emergency?

Atlantic Family Dentistry is here to take control of your dental emergency and get you help as soon as we can. Our team is trained and experienced in handling these common traumas, and will work with you to produce results. Give our office a call if you have any questions or if you think you might be having a dental emergency.

Call Us To Schedule Appointment: (386) 219-4023

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